What are the benefits of an isothermal cover

Pubblished 20.11.2020 | Last updated 27.01.2025

Using an isothermal cover means: keeping the pool CLEAN during the summer period, INCREASING THE TEMPERATURE of the water by preventing the loss of heat accumulated during the day, and ECONOMIC SAVINGS.

A cover will help you keep the pool clean by preventing leaves, branches and debris in general from entering the pool. This has obvious benefits in terms of reduced chemical use and time spent cleaning.

Also very important is the almost total prevention of evaporation. Eliminating this phenomenon means: drastically reduced loss of accumulated heat and less water topping up.

copertura isotermica

In an outdoor pool, nightly temperature fluctuations cause the loss of heat accumulated during the day, resulting in a drastic drop in water temperature. With an isothermal cover, you can extend the swimming season while preventing the accumulation of debris and the formation of algae and microorganisms.

Indoor pools are not subject to the temperature changes typical of outdoor pools, but they do require the installation of ventilation chambers to internally control humidity from water evaporation. Without an adequate dehumidification system, high indoor humidity levels cause serious structural problems. The energy required to operate an adequate ventilation system adds to the already high operating costs of a pool. In addition, the ventilated air that must be conditioned adds to the cost.
