Prefab steel warehouses: advantages over masonry buildings

Pubblished 27.07.2022 | Last updated 21.01.2025

Capannone prefabbricato in acciao

Many companies might have to face the need to increase their spaces and build some new ones. However, building a masonry warehouse might result in lengthiness and costs that are not always compatible with the company’s needs. An alternative to traditional masonry buildings? Prefab steel warehouses, the perfect solution to gain permanent or temporary covered spaced to be used as warehouse for the storage of goods, as loading/unloading area, as production areas or as storage of vehicles and equipment.


Steel warehouses by Favaretti Group are designed in compliance with the regulations in force in each area and certified to withstand snow, wind, and earthquake loads. Besides being safe and resistant, prefab industrial warehouses have many other advantages. Let’s view the main benefits of a steel building over a traditional masonry building. 


Reduced time

If compared with a masonry structure, the installation of a prefab steel warehouse takes much less time. The modular systems of a prefab, indeed, are assembled in the construction site and installed in a very short time. Light foundations are sufficient and the result is a warehouse ready to use. Simpler bureaucratic procedures contribute to the reduction of working times. 


Economic saving

Since they do not require remarkable masonry works, steel warehouses also guarantee noteworthy economic saving. 


Design flexibility

The warehouses designed by Favaretti are tailor-made in accordance with each customer’s needs. This means that you are not bound by standard shapes and sizes: we can design fixed and retractable warehouses with any shape and dimension; you can further personalize the structure choosing to install rigid insulated panels. Since they are modular structures, you might add or reduce space depending on your needs. And that is not all: steel warehouses can be dismounted and repositioned in another place. If compared with masonry structures, they are much more flexible and versatile. 


Safety, fast installation, saving, flexibility: extremely valid reasons to opt for a steel industrial warehouse!

