Insulating panels for sports covering: features and advantages

Pubblished 25.03.2022 | Last updated 20.02.2025

pannelli coibentati per coperture sportive

Sports facilities coverings

Sports facilities coverings allow performing any indoor activity in a comfortable and safe way. They are an excellent alternative to masonry works and offer undeniable advantages in comparison to them. Easier and faster to build, they are also a very good solution to reduce operational costs and bureaucratic procedures.

Thanks to their many personalizations options, moreover, they can meet specific needs, from both a structural and an aesthetic point of view, while guaranteeing an optimal playing experience. A sports covering, indeed, can be built with a supporting structure in steel or laminated wood and covered with a textile membrane (single or double for improved insulation) or with insulated panels. That’s not all: upon request, the covering project can be enriched with numberless extras such as condensing heating system, LED lighting, gutters, perimetrical walls, and skylights.

Covering insulation: not only for industry

Coverings with PVC textile membranes have many advantages and can be seen as the ideal solution for any sports discipline. However, if you have special needs for your facilities, for example in terms of thermo-acoustic insulation, or because you simply wish to have a structure that is very similar to a sports hall (still maintaining advantages in terms of easy and fast installation and facilitated permissions), a real valid alternative is given by insulated rigid panels: a solution that is already widespread in the industry sector and that can easily be applied and in a sports context.

In comparison to traditional, PVC textile membranes, cladding with insulated panels allows having extraordinary results in terms of insulation and elimination of the condensation. The result? First of all, perfect insulation from the heat in summer and cold in winter, with an advantage in terms of comfort and money: the drastic reduction of heat dispersion, indeed, allows having notable energy savings. Secondly, a structure with rigid panels turns out to be very similar to a traditional, masonry sports hall. A solution that contributes to your club’s prestige.

A concrete example: the insulation of sports facilities in Padua, Italy

A concrete example in terms of insulation (and consequently savings) offered by insulated panels is given by our work for the Municipality of Padua: a few years ago the Municipality decided to allocate 4.6 million to energy efficiency works for 13 sports arched structures in the city. The works carried out by Favaretti Group - replacing the PVC membrane with rigid panels - resulted in a consumption reduction by 85%.


Perfect for any sports discipline, the insulated panels for sports coverings have the same advantages of the traditional textile membrane (fast installation, light foundations, facilitated permissions) but have other pluses that make them good if you have special needs from an aesthetic or thermo-acoustic insulation point of view.
